2025 Announcement
Fort Liberty Spouses Club Scholarship Program
This program offers two types of
Scholarship Awards:
High School Seniors & Continuing Education.
Please read below for all information on how to apply for the appropriate scholarship.
General Information
Scholarships are awarded for excellence in academic performance, community service, extracurricular involvement, achievements, & leadership qualities throughout high school. Additionally, written essays, a resume, & reference letters are also considered.
This scholarship is administered by the Scholarship Committee of the Fort Liberty Spouses Club.
The Scholarship Committee is composed of, at minimum, an enlisted spouse FLSC member, an officer spouse FLSC member, one service member, & one non-FLSC member community leader.
All applications will remain anonymous to the Scholarship Committee. The FLSC Scholarship Chair will remove all personally identifying information on the applications & assign each a number before submitting to the Scholarship Committee for scoring.
Applicants will be notified of results via email after May 1st.
Amount of award & number of recipients varies based on available funds & is determined by the Scholarship Committee & the Fort Liberty Spouses Club Board.
Questions should be directed to the Scholarships Chair by emailing scholarships@fortlibertyspousesclub.org.
Scholarship Awards
Judging is completely anonymous, all identifiable information will be removed from applications before judging begins. The number and amount of the awards varies, is determined by the committee and board, and based on the amount of available funds.
After judging, all applicants will be notified via email of their status. Scholarship recipients and their immediate families are invited to attend the FLSC Scholarship Awards Ceremony in May 2025. The winners and their immediate families will be formally invited to attend.
The scholarship recipients’ monetary awards are for payment of tuition, fees, books or room and board. Checks will be paid directly to the school or institution, and are intended for the upcoming academic year (2025-2026).
Upon winning an award each scholarship recipient must:
Return the Award Distribution Document to the FLSC Scholarships Chair, no later than May 10, 2025. (Scholarships@fortlibertyspousesclub.org)
Submit a copy of your acceptance letter via email for disbursement verification.
Present a valid Military ID card to the FLSC Scholarships Chair or FLSC Treasurer. This occurs at the Awards Ceremony or by other arrangement.
Scholarship monies are disbursed by May 20, 2025. If funds remain unclaimed by the student after August 30th, 2025, the funds will be withdrawn and reallocated to the FLSC Scholarship Fund. The General Board may consider an exception to this policy if a written request is received by September 1st of the school year.
Please email any questions or concerns to president@fortlibertyspousesclub.org and use “2025 Scholarship” in the subject line.

High School Senior Scholarship Application
(Graduating High School Senior)
This scholarship seeks to reward students who are military dependent children who will be seeking a degree at an accredited college, university, or technical school. If you meet all of the eligibility criteria, the deadline for submission is March 31, 2025.
You must meet ALL of the following eligibility criteria to be considered for an award.
Must be a high school graduation candidate, a homeschool program graduating senior, or completing a General Education Development test (GED) for the current school year – ALL in the Fort Liberty local area. GED scores will be correlated to GPA for comparison.
Preferred Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, reflected by your most recent cumulative GPA. If a student has a GPA lower than 2.5, please provide a teacher or school administration explanation of extenuating circumstances.
Must be a DEERS Dependent child possessing a current, valid military ID card connecting child to either: an active duty service member stationed at Fort Liberty or Pope Army Airfield, an Active Guard Reserve (AGR) service member stationed at Fort Liberty or Pope Army Airfield, OR the dependent child of a retired OR deceased service member whose last duty station was Fort Liberty or Pope Army Airfield.
Must have applied/been accepted to an accredited post-secondary institution or certification program in the United States and attending their freshman year of college in the 2025-2026 academic year.
Be a member of FLSC themselves or have a parent who is an FLSC member by 31 December 2024 (except for applicants who are children of deceased service members).
Applicants who PCS to Fort Liberty/Pope Army Airfield after 31 December 2024 must become a member of FLSC or have a parent who joins FLSC within two months of arrival to the installation.
Applicants may only be awarded one scholarship type for one academic year. A High School Scholarship recipient can apply for a Continuing Education Scholarship in the following year.
An applicant who accepts an appointment to one of the five federal service academies (except the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point) or receives a full scholarship from another source may not apply.
Any student entering post-secondary education for the first time (GAP Year students) will be judged with the High School applicants.
For award consideration, your completed application
must fulfill all the following requirements:
You must meet all of the scholarship eligibility criteria.
You must submit a completed package the includes ALL of the following:
A completed FLSC High School Scholarship Application 2025, including electronic signatures on agreement forms. This form can be saved however we suggest that all documents are available before beginning the application.
Attach (to demonstrate eligibility):
Copy of Sponsor’s PCS order to Fort Liberty/Pope Army Airfield
or Retirement Orders listing Fort Liberty as final installation
or DD214
Attach (to demonstrate proof of acceptance or enrollment in an approved academic program):
Acceptance letter from university
Or, proof of application may be temporarily provided instead for the purposes of this scholarship application. If awarded a scholarship, enrollment verification is required prior to payment.
Attach a resume including the following information (at minimum):
All high schools attended, including dates, names, locations, & current GPA
Academic Recognition/Honors
Employment (include dates/positions/businesses for summer jobs, part-time work, internships)
Extracurricular Activities (Clubs, Professional Organizations, Athletics, etc)
Volunteer work (include dates/organizations/positions/total hours)
Attach the most recent school transcript(s). This can be unofficial but must cover all high school credits/schools. Home school students should submit the same documentation used for application to post-secondary education. **If GPA is lower than 2.5, please attach additional teacher reference/explanation of extenuating circumstances.**
Attach the following essay:
Respond to the following prompt. Your essay should be typed, between 500 & 750 words, typed, well-written, & in direct response to the prompt.
Prompt: How has military life impacted your educational aspirations & career goals? How will this scholarship help you to fulfill your goals?
Two letters of recommendation, no longer than 1 page each, from persons outside of your family. Examples of acceptable sources for letters of recommendation include school faculty members, coaches, work supervisors, members of volunteer organizations, members of clergy, or members of the community who can attest to your character. These letters should be emailed directly to President@FortLibertySpousesClub.org no later than March 31st, 2025. Have the author put your name (the applicant) in the subject line.
To be considered for a FLSC Scholarship Award, all applications must
include the following components & comply with stated instructions.
Incomplete application packages will NOT be considered.
Applicants must use a 2025 application. Earlier versions are null & void.
The application form must be filled out through the online form. This is a form that cannot be saved so please prepare the additional required documents in advance. The link to the form can be found below during the open application period.
Electronic Signatures for both Agreement Statements (applicant, parent/guardian)
Include the following attachments (see requirements)
Military sponsor verification documentation
University verification documentation
Transcripts (all high school transcripts must be reflected)
Recommendations (2) must be emailed directly to:
President@FortLibertySpousesClub.org no later than March 31, 2024

Continuing Education Scholarship Application
This scholarship seeks to reward students who are military spouses or dependents who are continuing their education at a collegiate level, including undergraduate & graduate levels. If you meet all of the eligibility criteria, the deadline for submission is March 31, 2024.
You must meet all of the following eligibility criteria to be considered for an award.
Must be a DEERS military spouse or dependent possessing a current, valid military ID card
An active duty, an Active Guard Reserve (AGR) service member stationed at Fort Liberty or Pope Army Airfield, OR the dependent child of a retired OR deceased service member whose last duty station was Fort Liberty or Pope Army Airfield.
Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, reflected by your most recent cumulative GPA.
If a student has a GPA lower than 2.5, please provide professor references & explanation of extenuating circumstances. Must have applied/been accepted/attending an accredited associate, undergraduate, or graduate degree program or a graduate-level certificate program.
Be a member of FLSC themselves or have a parent who is an FLSC member by 31 December 2023 (except for applicants who are dependents of deceased service members).
Applicants who PCS to Fort Liberty/Pope Army Airfield after 31 December 2023 must become a member of FLSC or have a parent who joins FLSC within two months of arrival to the installation.
Applicants may only be awarded one scholarship type for one academic year.
An applicant who accepts an appointment to one of the five federal service academies (except the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point) or receives a full scholarship from another source may not apply.
Any student entering post-secondary education for the first time (GAP Year students) will be judged with the High School applicants.
For award consideration, your completed application
must fulfill all the following requirements:
A completed FLSC Continuing Education Scholarship Application 2024, including electronic signature on agreement statements. This is a Form that cannot be saved so please prepare the additional required documents in advance.
Attach (to demonstrate eligibility):
Copy of Sponsor’s PCS order to Fort Liberty/Pope Army Airfield
or Retirement Orders listing Fort Liberty as final installation
or DD214
Attach (to demonstrate proof of acceptance or enrollment in an approved academic program):
Acceptance letter from university
Or proof of application may be temporarily provided instead for the purposes of this scholarship application. If awarded a scholarship, enrollment verification is required prior to payment.
Attach a resume including the following information (at minimum):
All colleges attended, including dates, names, locations, & current GPA
Academic Recognition/Honors
Employment (include dates/positions/businesses for jobs, part-time work, internships)
Extracurricular Activities (Clubs, Professional Organizations, Athletics, etc)
Volunteerism (include dates/organizations/positions/total hours)
Attach the most recent school transcript(s). This can be unofficial but must cover all college credits.
Attach the following essay:
Respond to the following prompt. Your essay should be typed, between 500 & 750 words, typed, well-written, and in direct response to the prompt.
Prompt: How has military life impacted your educational aspirations and career goals? How will this scholarship help you to fulfill your goals?
Two letters of recommendation, no longer than 1 page each, from persons outside of your family. Examples of acceptable sources for letters of recommendation include school faculty members, coaches, work supervisors, members of volunteer organizations, members of clergy, or members of the community who can attest to your character. These letters should be emailed directly to Scholarships@FortLibertySpousesClub.org no later than March 31st, 2024. Have the author put your name (the applicant) in the subject line.
To be considered for an FLSC scholarship award, all applications must
include the following components and comply with stated instructions.
Incomplete application packages will NOT be considered.
Applicants must use a 2024 application. Earlier versions are null & void.
The application form must be filled out through the online form. This is a form that cannot be saved so please prepare the additional required documents in advance. The link to the form can be found below during the open application period.
Electronic Signatures for both Agreement Statements (applicant, parent/guardian)
Include the following attachments (see requirements)
Military sponsor verification documentation
University verification documentation
Transcripts (all high school transcripts must be reflected)
Recommendations (2) must be emailed directly to:
Scholarships@FortLibertySpousesClub.org no later than March 31, 2024